Celtic Astrology Sign: Elder Tree – November 25 – December 23
If you were born between November 25th and December 23rd, then your sign in Celtic tree astrology is the ELDER TREE.
The Elder tree was considered sacred to the fairies and were used to protect against malevolent spirits. It was considered bad luck to bring an Elder tree indoors.
General Characteristics Of Elder Tree Zodiac
People born under the Celtic Elder tree astrology sign are outgoing, confident, and impulsive. They grow the most when things change and are restless and full of energy. They need to be stimulated mentally on a constant basis and need regular physical challenges.
They are philosophical and very compassionate and always try to be helpful to others. They love their freedom and can sometimes be on the wild side often living their younger years in the fast lane. They often do things just to get a thrill out of life.
Celtic Ogham Symbol For the Elder Tree
The Elder tree Ogham Word is Ruis.
Strengths Of This Druid Zodiac
People born under the Celtic Elder tree sign love living their life with freedom and have a strong sense of adventure. They are not the type to settle into one place. They love to be on the move and life on the go suits them.
They have a sense of raw honesty about them that may offend others, but it is really their way of trying to help. They are ambitious and sincere with a rebellious streak.
Despite being and extrovert, they often feel out of place from the rest of the crowd and will often withdraw. They are very candid and impetuous and make wonderful motivational speakers. They will also be drawn to journalism and careers in the armed forces.
The Elder Druid astrology sign are drawn to researching philosophical and deep subjects and are likely to travel a lot in order to satisfy their curiosity about life. They can make great teachers, clergyman or scientists. They are extremely energetic and constant change is stimulating to them both mentally and physically.
They make great friends because they are naturally optimistic and positive and will do anything to make sure their friends feel the same way. They have an excellent sense of humor and people love being around them.
Weaknesses Of This Druid Zodiac
Celtic Elder tree sign people are often judged for being the black sheep or the outsider. They can sometimes act cold blooded and insensitive and have a hard time choosing their friends wisely. They are so outspoken and blunt that at times they speak without thinking.
They can have outbursts of anger and are very impatient. In work settings they can be demanding coworkers especially to those who don’t work at the same quick pace as they do. They will openly criticize the shortcomings of others while expecting praise for their own in work.
In their romantic relationships they desire to be open, but they do not fall in love easily or deeply. They are very calculating and tend to remove their emotions from the relationship before it has a chance to blossom.
Their restlessness makes them shy away from parenthood, but they will probably make great god parents, aunts or uncles. Their lesson in life is to use the change they seek out in life as something positive so they avoid being being foolish and distracted.
Elder Tree Folklore: Celtic Animal Birth Sign
The Celtic animal is the Raven which symbolizes protection and healing.
Ruling Deity Of The Elder Druid Zodiac
The Ruling Goddess of the Elder tree is the crown Goddess and tribal mother of the Celtics Cailleach Beara.
Celtic Zodiac Compatibility
Elders are compatible with Alder and Holly Celtic tree signs.
Corresponding Western Astrology Sign
In western astrology the Elder tree would correspond with the sun sign of Sagittarius.
Badger (Ogham = Holly)
The badger does a lot of digging, and in esoteric symbolism this links the animal to the earth – a very grounded, nurturing, foundational energy. Furthermore, the burrowing badger is a symbol of magic, because this act is symbolic of returning to the Source. Burrowing into the earth is also akin to returning to the womb in metaphorical symbolism. This connects with the Holly because it is a hearty plant in one of the most brutal seasons – Winter. Holly is the winter king to the Celts, and the badger is equally regal in fierce will to survive (even under the most brutal circumstances). Holly and badger are symbols for survivors and strong will.
The badger does a lot of digging, and in esoteric symbolism this links the animal to the earth – a very grounded, nurturing, foundational energy. Furthermore, the burrowing badger is a symbol of magic, because this act is symbolic of returning to the Source. Burrowing into the earth is also akin to returning to the womb in metaphorical symbolism. This connects with the Holly because it is a hearty plant in one of the most brutal seasons – Winter. Holly is the winter king to the Celts, and the badger is equally regal in fierce will to survive (even under the most brutal circumstances). Holly and badger are symbols for survivors and strong will.
Badger Animal Symbolism
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Badger Animal Symbolism
About Badger Animal Symbolism: The biggest take away point the badger has for us is this: It stops at nothing to get what it wants. This is a lesson for us to be persistent in our pursuits.
Specifically, those with the badger totem often attract this creature because he/she has difficulty finishing what is started. The badger will help with this aspect in life. You can call upon the stubborn, strong-willed nature of the badger to help you complete any project you start.
The badger is also fiercly independent and can be quite aggressive when threatened. This is a lesson for us to stand our ground and make our presence known when the situation calls for it.
Although smaller in stature, the badger commands attention from friend and foe alike. We can do the same, but we must be mindful that we do so in a healthy, constructive manner.
Even badger tracks are prized animal symbolism fodder to feed upon. According to Native Americans, seeing badger tracks was very auspicious. Badger tracks are a message that all things are possible when we tap into our inner creative powers.
Get more insight by checking out the quick-list of badger animal symbolism and meanings shown below.
“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic;
it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”
Badger Animal Symbolism And Personality Traits
- Focus
- Eager
- Strategy
- Tenacity
- Defense
- Protection
- Confidence
- Strong will
- Independence
- Determination

“Those who are firm in will
mold the world to themselves.”

The badger is connected to the earth, and therefore is a grounding totem for us. When we feel out of touch, or confused the badger can help us get rooted, and anchor us to what is important in our lives.
When the badger comes into our lives it is time for get busy with projects, speak up and ask for help if we need it in our lives. The badger is also a sign that it is time for us come out of hiding – it’s time for us to let the world know we are here, and we mean business!
Lastly, the symbolism of the badger also includes individuality. The badger is a unique creature, well equipped to meet all the challenges it faces. It lives its life quite effectively. And although its methods might seem unorthodox, the badger doesn’t care what the rest of the animal kingdom thinks about them. This is perhaps the greatest lesson the badger imparts to us. In short, the badger tell us to “walk your own path at your own pace.” Nevermind what others may say. Have faith in your own abilities and know that you are well-equipped to take on whatever challenge faces you.
A Guide on the Meaning and Symbolism of the Celtic Black Horse
This guide expands on the Celtic Black Horse personality characteristics found in the Celtic Animal Zodiac Signs article. Going beyond zodiac personality characteristics, it provides information on the Celtic Black Horse's meaning and symbolism in astrology, mythology and tattoos.
Celtic Black Horse Meaning
The Celts believed the Black Horse was a symbol meaning death and dark forces. It represented the strength of maturity to handle what life brings.
The Black Horse was a messenger of esoteric knowledge. He was a keeper of secrets and mysteries.
Black Horse in Celtic Astrology
In Celtic Astrology, the Black Horse is the Celtic Animal Sign for people born November 25 – December 22. It is also the animal symbol for the Celtic Elder Tree Sign.
The White Horse and Black Horse are closely connect in Celtic astrology, where they symbolize the planets Jupiter and Saturn respectively.
The Celts viewed the relationship between Jupiter and Saturn as a significant connection to the summer solstice, where the White Horse symbolize the bright, expansive light of the summer Sun, and the Black Horse represented the limited light of the winter Sun.
Celtic Black Horse Mythology
- Celtic mythology contains many tales of a creature called a pooka (also spelled pwca, pwwka, bucca, and phooca). It was a shapechanger that would take the form of a black horse wearing chains. Some pookas were evil creatures that caused a lot of harm to travelers, while others were helpful to people.
If a person ever tried to ride a pooka, they would be taken on a wild ride. Legend has it that only the High King of Ireland, Brian Boru, was able to ride one successfully. - In Ireland, there is a monster called the Dullahan. It's the Irish version of the headless horseman. The Dullahan rides a black horse, while carrying his head under his arm. When he stops riding, a person dies.
Celtic Black Horse Tattoos: Meaning and Symbolism
Celtic Black Horse tattoos are a reminder that you have the strength, wisdom, and maturity to overcome whatever obstacles life gives you.
These tattoos can also represent the knowledge that you have gained in your life – the insights and understandings of the mysteries and secrets that only come through experience and age.
Ravens figure heavily in Celtic mythology and legend. They were linked to darkness and death – especially the death of warriors in battle. Celtic war goddesses often took the form of a raven. In “The Dream of Rhonabwy”, the knight Owein battles King Arthur in a dream world assisted by ravens. Some tales suggest that the great King Arthur himself was turned in to a raven upon his death.

The frame story tells that Madog sends Rhonabwy and two companions to find the prince’s rebellious brother Iorwerth. One night during the pursuit they seek shelter with Heilyn the Red, but find his house filthy and his beds full of fleas. Lying down on a yellow ox-skin, Rhonabwy experiences a vision of Arthur and his time. Serving as his guide is one of Arthur’s followers, Iddawg the Churn of Britain, so called because he sparked the Battle of Camlann when he distorted the king’s messages of peace he was supposed to deliver to the enemy Medrawd (Mordred). Iddawg introduces Rhonabwy and his friends to Arthur, who regrets that Wales has been inherited by such tiny men.
Iddawg reveals that Arthur’s men are assembled to meet the Saxons at the Battle of Mount Badon. However, Arthur is more concerned with a game of gwyddbwyll (a chess-like board game) he is playing against his follower Owain mab Urien (Ywain). While they play, messengers arrive declaring that Arthur’s squires are attacking Owain’s ravens; when Owain asks that this be stopped Arthur only responds, “your move.” Finally Owain orders his ravens to attack Arthur’s servants; when Arthur asks him to call them off, Owain says “your move, lord.” Eventually Arthur crushes the chess pieces into dust, and the two declare peace between their forces. After this the Saxons send a contingent asking for a truce, which Arthur grants after consulting his advisors. Cai (Kay) declares that any who wish to follow Arthur should come to Cornwall. The noise of the troops moving wakes Rhonabwy, who realizes he has slept for three days.
Because King Arthur lived on in the form of a raven, in Corwall it is considered very unlucky to kill one, however there is no consensus about the ultimate meaning of The Dream of Rhonabwy. On one hand it derides Madoc’s time, which is critically compared to the illustrious Arthurian age, and on the other Arthur’s time is portrayed as illogical and silly, leading to suggestions that this is a satire on both contemporary times and the myth of a heroic age.
Many of the Celtic goddesses are linked with the raven or crow. In this mythology the goddesses are the aggressive deities, those associated with war and death. Badb, Macha and Nemain are all associated with crows and/or ravens, as is Nantosuelta, a Gaulish water and healing goddess. The wife of the Fomorian sea-god, Tethra, was said to be a crow goddess who also hovered above battlefields, and Scottish myth has the Cailleach Bheure, who often appeared in crow form. The association of the birds with death and war is an obvious reflection of its tendency to eat carrion, plenty of which is to be found in the aftermath of battle. This tendency led, eventually, to the persecution of the raven, as a harbinger of doom and destruction, and also to the common notion in modern European culture that the main attribute of Crow and Raven is their connection with the Otherworld. Upon Cuchulainn’s death, the Morrigan perched on his shoulder in the form of a raven.

The other main characteristic of Raven in Irish and Welsh myth is that of prophesy. The Morrigan was prone to prophesising and predicting the outcome of battle. King Cormac also came across the Badb as an old woman dressed in red garments (always a bad sign) who explained that she was washing the armor of a doomed king. Raven also acts as a messenger for the Irish/Welsh gods.
In “The Hawk of Achill†Cuchulainn’s father, Lugh, is spoken of in association with ravens and crows. Ravens warned Lugh of the Formorians’ approach. Ravens tended Cuchulainn when he was very ill, which is about the only time Cuchulainn appears to have had anything approaching a good relationship with the birds, save for when he was announced by two Druidic ravens on his entrance to Elysium. He was responsible for killing a flock of magical sea ravens, which were large and able to swim in the sea (it is possible, from the description, that the birds were, in fact, cormorants, and not ravens at all. Cormorants also have a certain mythology associated with them). Also associated with ravens is the son of Cerridwen, Afagddu, who was also known as Morvran, or Sea Raven. Cerridwen ’s intent had been to bestow the gift of Inspiration upon him. A rather bizarre association is that of ravens and chess.
Bendigeidfran (“Bran the Blessed“),perhaps the best known of the Celtic gods associated with the raven, was a giant of enormous strength and a fierce warrior whose head continued to speak after he was beheaded. Tradition holds that his head was buried at the White Mount in London, believed to be the site of the White Tower (The Tower of London). His head is a protective charm for Britain. The word “Bran” means raven, and this may be how the story of the Rooks of The Tower originated.
Tower of London
Today, ravens are still kept at the Tower of London. The ravens have their own Yeoman Warder to care for them. During World War II, Tower Hill was bombed, and the ravens were lost. Winston Churchill, knowing full well the ancient legends, ordered the immediate replacement of the birds, and they were brought to Tower Hill from the Welsh hills and Scottish Highlands.
In England, tombstones are sometimes called “ravenstones”.
Among the Irish Celts, the raven was associated with the Triple Goddess, the Morrigan, who took the shape of a raven over battlefields while acting as “Chooser of the Slain” and the protector of warriors.
Irish and Scots Bean Sidhes (Banshees) can take the form of ravens. Their calls from over the roof of a dwelling was considered to be an omen of death for the occupants.
“There is wisdom in a raven’s head.” – Gaelic Proverb
“To have a raven’s knowledge” is an Irish proverb meaning to have a seer’s supernatural powers. The raven is considered to be one of the oldest and wisest of all animals.
Ravens were the favorite bird of the god Lludd, the Celtic god of artists and artisans. He was said to have two ravens to attend to all of his needs (similar to Odin and his ravens).
Portions of this article originally appeared in the Samhain edition of “White Dragonâ€, 1998
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Jet is a velvety black-colored gemstone that is a type of lignite. This jet black gem was used in Britain as far back as the Neolithic period when it was made into beads for personal adornment. The Romans used jet for rings, hair embellishment, pendants and other forms of jewelry. Popular use of this stone died out until the Victorian era, though it was still occasionally used. Jet was often used in mourning jewelry that was worn in remembrance of a dearly departed family member or friend. Queen Victoria wore a specific, fine-quality jet called Whitby jet as part of her mourning dress after Prince Albert's passing. Whitby jet was also used in a jewelry set for Queen Elizabeth II's 80th birthday. When the demand for this jet spiked, it resulted in the cliffside of Whitby, England to nearly collapse. Mining for this particular variety of jet became illegal in an attempt to preserve what was left of the cliffs. Today, jet is valued for its beautiful luster, and is seen alongside even the most expensive of gems in jewelry, including diamonds.
The Romans viewed jet as a magical gemstone that was often used in amulets to protect the wearer. It was believed this black stone could deflect the evil eye. The Roman author and naturalist Pliny the Elder claimed jet could drive away snakes. Jet is now a birthstone, but it is associated with the astrological sign of Capricorn. Jet affects the root chakra associated with the grounding of oneself. According to metaphysical beliefs, jet can help the wearer to break negative behavioral patterns. Jet has also been used as a stone of good luck and one that brings clarity during trials and tribulations.
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