Tens are called "Success" Cards - Fully Accomplished. Pythagoreans say that the number Ten represents Deity, Heaven, Eternity, and the Sun. Ten starts a new cycle - the cycle of man's Aspiration. Ten of Clubs find their success in the mental field and secure it by sharing their knowledge.
Ten of Clubs is the first card in the Crown line. It holds a tremendous potential along with talent and leadership, which suggests that people born under the Ten Of Clubs birth card can become successful in just about anything they put their mind to. Their effort may win them worldly acclaim. The Ten Of Clubs high position places them above traditional concepts and lifestyles and gives them freedom of being anyone and anything they want. Applying personal discipline opens up beautiful possibilities represented by this birth card.
Ten Of Clubs are often A-grade students and can excel in any study. But they also learn early that freedom of action is brought to people through the wealth and their position in life. Whatever childhood circumstances are, they are to help the Ten of Clubs person to develop a correct sense of values, to establish the right attitude toward money and its proper use. This sense of values makes Ten of Clubs a tendency to associate with successful people and people in high rank throughout their entire life. The Ten of Clubs is a Crown Card. Ten Of Clubs people are intelligent and smart, and they respect the value of intelligence and mental superiority in others.
Ten of Clubs are very sensitive to public opinion, fear criticism and disapproval. There is often a lack of self-confidence, but there is no good reason for it. Once they realize their true power and their most significant asset - and that is knowledge - they find true happiness.
There is always the power to make money unless they don't put enough efforts into it. Ten of Clubs natives have great intuition and should use it in choosing the most suitable line of work. The greatest success lies in the mental field. Sometimes called a "Teacher" card, Ten Of Clubs have a tremendous pool of knowledge, and sharing it with others can bring great satisfaction into their lives. If the knowledge is applied to high motives, their need is supplied from the "Limitless Substance." There is seldom any lack of supply.
Celtic Symbolism : The Celtic Hounds

Many argue Celtic hounds to be either the Greyhound, Scottish Deerhound, Irish Wolfhound or even a mix of all these breeds.
This enclosed design is based on the similar from Folio 29r of the "Book of Kells".
Just look in the upper right and you will see the circled hounds, a zoomorphic design much related to a "triskell" the triple spiral is an ancient Celtic symbol related to the sun, afterlife and reincarnation.
Celtic Hounds can be found in celtic jewelry designs and paintings as far back as the 17th century. Celtic Hounds symbolize hunting, healing, and the Otherworld in Celtic legends. Hounds were the traditional guardian animals of roads and crossways and are believed to protect and guide lost souls in the Otherworld.
Celtic Hounds can be found in celtic jewelry designs and paintings as far back as the 17th century. Celtic Hounds symbolize hunting, healing, and the Otherworld in Celtic legends. Hounds were the traditional guardian animals of roads and crossways and are believed to protect and guide lost souls in the Otherworld.
Irish Filidh (seers) chewed the meat of a dog in a ritual to gain prophetic vision. To be called “hound” was an honorable nickname for a courageous warrior; the name of the god Cuchulain is literally “Hound of Culann;” violating a geas (sacred taboo) on the eating of dogflesh leads to the hero’s death.
The mother of the god Lugh, in whose honor the Lughnassa festival was celebrated, was killed while in the form of a small dog.
In Legends
Many Irish myths and legends include mentions of hounds. The most famous involves the Celtic hero Cuchulainn (The Hound of Ulster) or (The Hound of Culann) who killed a blacksmith's Celtic hound with his bare hands. When Culann, the blacksmith asked who would now guard his shop the young Cuchulainn offered to take the dog's place thus gaining himself the title of 'The hound of Culann'. The offer was turned down and Cuchulainn went on to become one of the greatest warrior legends of that era, but the nickname stuck. Other famous Irish hounds were Bran and Seolan who belonged to the warrior, Fionn mac Cumhaill. The mother of Bran and Sceolan was Tuiren, and was Fionn Mac Cumhaill's aunt, transformed into a hound by a fairy or Sidhe.
You can hear an audio podcast of one version of Bran's first adventures with Fionn Mac Cumhaill at http://www.podcasts.ie/armchair-ireland/myths-legends/
The Story of Mac Da Tho's Pig is very singular too, centered on a rivalry started for a spectacular hound, Ailbe, belonging to Mac Da Tho, and a champion's boasting match that develops between those of both sides in regards to the Champion's Portion of the giant pig, hence the title.
In Welsh mythology, Gwyn ap Nudd was the ruler of Annwn (the Underworld) and escorted the souls of the dead there, leading a pack of supernatural hounds, called the Cŵn Annwn (Hounds of Annwn) (see also Wild Hunt). Another well known Welsh legend is that of Prince Llewellyn 's hound Gelert, who was unjustly slain by his master after being wrongly thought to have killed a child.
The Irish Wolfhound was used to hunt Wolves and Deer, but they were also used as war dogs to attack men on horseback and knock them from their saddles to be killed by others. The Deerhound being more placid was a somewhat reluctant wardog and was more used for the hunting of Deer. The Greyhound being lighter and smaller was more suited to the hunting of hares and small mammals. These Celtic hounds were often called the Irish Greyhound and the Scottish or Rough Hound and had many other names according to area.
Another breed of dog the "Galgo Español" is also though to be a descended of the Celtic hound as is the Austrian black and tan hound and the Tyrolean Hound.
Animal Symbolism Owl
animal symbolism owl meaning
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Animal Symbolism: Owl Meaning
Owl Symbolism and Owl Meanings
The owl is sacred to the Greek goddess of learning, Athena and is even depicted on some Greco-Roman currency as a symbol of status, intelligence and of course, wealth.
In ancient Egyptian, Celtic, and Hindu cultures the symbolic meaning of owl revolved around guardianship of the underworlds, and a protection of the dead.
In this light the owl was ruler of the night and seer of souls. A misunderstanding of this necessary relationship gave the owl some negative associations with death.
It should be clear that the owl was honored as the keeper of spirits who had passed from one plane to another. Often myth indicates the owl accompanying a spirit to the underworld – winging it’s newly freed soul from the physical world into the realm of spirit.
“We are all visionaries,
and what we see
is our soul in everything.”
~ Henri Amiel
A Few Words About Owl Meanings and Death Associations
I get 100’s of emails from well-meanings folks who are super-freaked out about owls because they read somewhere that owls mean death. What’s worse, these same folks are panicked because after they see an owl, they think they’re going to die. This is a great example of pure and wild hyperbole and gross misunderstanding of the esoteric meaning of the owl.
That’s a lot of big words to say: There is no such thing as one pat answer or one strict meaning of the owl (or any other bird, animal etc). We have got to consider from where and whom these meanings originate. In essence, ancient meanings of the owl are born from the time, place and circumstances of an ancient people and their belief systems. If a Druid received a message from an owl around 600 BC he’s going to interpret that completely differently than a single mom of two kids in the year 2016 AD. And that’s the way it should be.
Our ancient ancestors gave us a great foundation upon which to base our understanding of owl meanings. It’s up to us modern day folks to add our own perception and understanding to gain realistic interpretations.
The association of the owl with death is often misunderstood. Death, in symbolic terms, simply means “transition” – it’s just a one state of energy changing into another.
Please also keep in mind the term “death” is not exclusive to physical. We can experience transition (or death) in emotion, mind, spirit. We’ve all been through seasons of change. Take for instance a change of heart. You may have felt one way, only to feel another.
All of this to say the owl appears to us when transition is near. Owl will also assist us in moving through these transitions. This is especially true when we are changing ‘in the dark’…as in dealing with changes that deal with the unknown and unseen. Let’s face it – the owl is a master at maneuvering within the realm of unknown. It thrives in the world of shadow. Therefore, owl can help us manage these sometimes scary, dark spaces.
Being aware of the owl’s symbolic meanings is a good way to connect with this fascinating creatures, and also become more in-tune with the owl’s wisdom.
A Quick-List of Symbolic Owl Meanings:
Native Americans associated the meaning of owl with wisdom, foresight, and keeper of sacred knowledge. This may largely be due to the fact that the owl is a great foreteller of weather conditions. Also its ability to see at night is legend among the Native Americans, and this attribute would be invoked during ceremonies when an oracle of secret knowledge was required.
Similarly, West African and Aboriginal Australian cultures viewed the owl as a messenger of secrets, kin to sorcerers, as well as companions to seers, mystics and medicine people.
During medieval times in western and central Europe it was fabled that owls were actually priestesses (witches) and wizards in disguise. To this day the owl is considered a witch’s familiar (an animal soul-spirit linked to a spiritual person via a unique, communicative bond).
The owl is a creature of the night. It’s important to note the symbolism of nocturnal creatures because night-time proclivities have specific philosophical meanings. Combine the following nocturnal symbolic meanings with that of the owl for a broader interpretation.
Nocturnal Animal Symbolism Includes:
Secret knowledge
Psychic awareness
When we connect with the owl in its own environment, and according to its way of life, it helps in deciphering the messages the owl has for us. Why? Because owls and all creatures ofthe animal realm are pure energy, and they come from a place of wholeness. As such, they communicate in a unified voice. They speak in the language of the trees, the wind, the moon, the sky, etc. Learning the owl’s habitat is a great way to learn her language, and more clearly understand her voice when she chortles in our spiritual ears.
I hope you have enjoyed this these thoughts on symbolic owl meaning. For sure, owl meanings and messages are not always these easiest to interpret. Furthermore animal symbolism is always up to the person who is having the encounter. That means the owl is going to offer a different message for you than for me. Also, owl messages will be different according to who, where, when it is given. The best thing to do is take what you’ve read here. Do more research in addition to this article. Then personally contemplate what an owl visitation means to you personally. In the end…the owl and you create a personal partnership. You two have to make meaning from coming together on this life’s journey.
Celtic Astrology Sign: Reed Tree – October 28 – November 24
If you were born between October 28th and November 24, then your sign in Celtic tree astrology is the REED TREE.
The Celtic believed that reed trees symbolized wisdom and education. Those born under the Druid sign Reed tree have hidden strength and secret motivation.
General Characteristics Of Reed Tree Zodiac
Celtic astrology Reed tree people are known as the secret keepers of the tree zodiac. They have the ability to go deep inside their psyche to find the hidden meaning of things.
When they need to get to the bottom of things, Reed people know how to get to the heart of the matter. They make excellent detectives, private investigators, historians, journalists and archaeologists.
People are very trusting of them and they will often find themselves convincing people to talk to them who might not otherwise. Reed people are natural storytellers and can easily be drawn in by tales, legends and even gossip.
You may relate to a different element from what your Sun Sign / Zodiac Sign element is. Take this in-depth four elements personality quiz to understand it.
Celtic Ogham Symbol For the Reed Tree
Their Ogham work is Ngetal.
Strengths Of This Druid Zodiac
People born under the Celtic zodiac Reed tree are very creative and use language as a part of their creativity. They have a dazzling talent that allows them to express what they see in life artistically. Their unyielding determination makes them move past defeat easily.
They are often surrounded by many friends throughout their life who will admire their accomplishments. They are usually very attractive and can be a savvy diplomat. They sometimes lack self confidence, but may act superior in spite of. They are very loyal to those closest to them.
They often have trouble finding a relationship. Sometimes their thoughts take priority over their emotions. The natural detective in them will often probe others for all their secrets, but will hold on to their personal secrets, often remaining a mystery to those closest to them.
Druid Reed tree people make influential friends and powerful enemies. They exude a lot of powerful energy when they walk into a room. They will probably receive a lot of public recognition throughout their life.
They have an independent uncompromising character and will try not to show any signs of weakness. They are the sign that will make things happen. They have an urge to change the world for the better.

Weaknesses Of This Druid Zodiac
In relationships the Celtic astrology Reed sign are very passionate, but they have a jealous and possessive streak that can get out of control if not monitored. Most people are attracted to them except those that very sensitive.
In their life they need to make sure they follow a tight line of moral actions. If they stray even a little they have the energy to become dangerous and self destructive people. They have a tendency to hold grudges and will have a hard time forgiving slights.
It can be hard to get them to change what they believe to be right. Even in the face of hard core evidence, they will go to extreme lengths to prove they are right.
Their challenge in life is to use their investigative abilities to become perceptive people whose knowledge can be used to educate others. If used in a negative way, it could be to manipulate others to find out their weakness.
Reed Tree Folklore: Celtic Animal Birth Sign
The Celtic animal is the Dog which symbolizes true loyalty.
Ruling Deity Of The Reed Druid Zodiac
The ruling Celtic god of the Reed tree is Pwyll, God of the underworld.
Celtic Zodiac Compatibility
They are compatible with other Reed, Ash, or Oak signs.
Corresponding Western Astrology Sign
In western astrology the Reed tree would correspond with the star sign of Scorpio.
Jasper has a very long history. The stone was mentioned in the bible and other classical sources. Though it is a common stone today, Jasper used to be a very valuable. Between the 4th and 5th millenium, Jasper was used to make bow drills. It was one of the most loved gemstones of the ancient world. Archeological finds at the palace of Knosses on Minoan Crete, prove that jasper used to be used to produce seals all the way back in the year 1800 BC.
Jasper is one of the traditional birthstones for the month of March. The name "Jasper" means "spotted or speckled stone." This can be traced back in the history to a few different languages, including Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Assyrian, Greek and Latin. Jasper is normally red due to its iron inclusions, but can also be found in white, black, orange, yellow, brown, green, banded, multicolored, and sometimes blue. Most Jasper is natural - the stones are not treated or enhanced, although occasionally they are dyed. Jasper has a vitreous luster and rates a 6.5-7 on the Moh's hardness scale. The stone is usually listed as opaque but really, it is slightly translucent. One can see this when thin chips of the stone are held up to the light.
Jasper is especially appealing when it is found with interesting, beautiful patterns on it. Often it is spotted, striped, or ringed. The patterns found on jasper are caused during the consolidation process. Water and/ or wind form flow and depositional patterns in the original sediment or volcanic ash, creating these lovely natural designs. Specific colors or patterns on Jasper are unique based upon where geographically, the stones are found.
Jasper is a mostly opaque variety of
chalcedony and can be highly polished and used for snuff boxes, seals and vases. The stone is also used for ornamentation or as a gemstone. As a gemstone, it is inexpensive and most commonly cut and polished into cabochons and used as beads in necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Jasper is also commonly carved into cameo pendants.

Jasper is a powerful healing stone. It is known to alleviate stress and eliminate all negative energy. It soothes the nerves, increases focus and positive thinking and heals injuries. The stone is also thought to promote the healing process during illness or hospitalization. Jasper is also known to aid in self-discipline, so it can be a great stone to have if one is struggling with addiction, including the task of dieting or quitting smoking. Jasper is also known to increase fertility and remove toxins from the body over time.
Jasper is found in Indonesia, Egypt, Brazil, Venezuela, Madagascar, India, Russia, Kazakhstan, Australia, Uruguay and in the United States in Oregon, California, Arizona, Arkansas, Texas, Utah, Idaho, and Washington.
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