Charles Zerna Reeves
My Aries. An Alder, A Bear, A Fox, A Hawk, A Ruby. Also a 10 of Clubs like Barbra Streisand, Hugh Jackman, Vin Diesel, Larry Page, and Madge.
Celtic Alder Astrology Sign: March 18 – April 14
Ogham Letter: Féarn
About the Celtic Alder Tree: Alder trees are best known for the purple sheen they have during the Spring. Its bark is usually covered in lichen in patterns that look like hieroglyphs. When cut, the trees sap turns red, reminding the Celts of blood. This “blood” was seen as a sign of the tree's generosity as it gave itself to be used for charcoal and building material.
Alder trees grow best in wet areas near marshes and rivers, making its wood amazingly resistant to water. Alder wood has been used for everything from bridges to foundations for houses and medieval churches…even parts of Venice are built with it. In Ireland, alder branches were used to measure graves, causing the tree to be connected to death.
Alder trees have been used medicinally for everything from diarrhea and nausea to muscle aches.
In some areas of Ireland, it is still a crime to cut down an alder tree. If you do so, you are liable for any accidents that occur in the village. The spirit of the alder tree you cut may burn your house down for revenge.
Irish legend has it that the first man came from the alder tree (the first woman came from the rowan tree).
Celtic Animal Symbol: Hawk or Raven
Characteristics of the Celtic Alder Tree Sign: If the Alder Tree is your Celtic zodiac sign, you're quite brave and have both the power and desire to make your own way in the world. It isn't always an easy way that you make, but you have plenty of courage to overcome obstacles.
Your passionate nature makes it easy for you to gain followers. While you get along with everyone, you have little patience for people who are shallow or fake.
You enjoy taking action and don't like it when your time is wasted. Your determination and self-confidence make you a great ally, but when it comes to fighting, you prefer to fight your own battles. It's a rare adversary that can stand in your way.
Your biggest challenge is learning when it is time to fight and when it is time to let things remain as they are.
New Moon Alder: If you were born during the first two weeks of the Celtic Alder Zodiac Sign, you are a New Moon Alder. You can be restless and indecisive. You are quite sincere and brave in all that you do, but sometimes you need to remember to step back and look at the bigger picture, asking yourself what will happen if you go forward.
Full Moon Alder: If you were born during the last two weeks of the Celtic Alder Zodiac Sign, you are a Full Moon Alder. You are persuasive and confident. You do well when there is a crisis. You are quite sensual, enjoying sex, rich food and luxury…but sometimes you need to remember to curb your jealousy. You do well financially, and might find your greatest financial success through investments.
General Characteristics Of Alder Tree Zodiac
Alder tree people are the upwardly mobile in the Celtic tree zodiac. They will find a passion for a cause in life and amass a circle of loyal supporters to carve out a new trail.
Alder tree people are charismatic, sociable and get along well with people from many backgrounds. People are instantly attracted to their charm. They are the people who will naturally carve their own path even if it seem impossible.
Celtic astrology Alder tree sign people are self confident and are easily self assured and have strong self-faith. This self-assurance is contagious and other people recognize this quality in them right away.
Alder people are very focused and dislike waste. They are able see through superficiality and will not tolerate fake people. They place high value on their time, and feel that wasting time is unbearable. They are motivated by action and results.
Celtic Ogham Symbol For the Alder Tree
The Celtic Ogham letter for the Alder tree sign is Fern.
Strengths Of This Druid Zodiac
Alder tree people have a very strong will that makes them bold, with a strong desire to experience new adventures and new places. They don’t like to waste their time and always need to stay busy or moving.
Their strong discipline will take them to new challenges which they will meet with self confidence and inner strength. These challenges will seem like a breeze because Alder tree zodiac people are very powerful and will always find a way to make it on their own in the world.
Alder people are genuine and courageous. Their sincerity and personal strength make them very focused with strong faith that is motivated by results. They could find financial success through strategic investments.
Weaknesses Of This Druid Zodiac
Alder Druid sign people can be nervous and wishy-washy. Due to their selfish nature, they sometimes need to take a break to consider the outcome of their actions. They will sometimes go full out for the object of their desires and then suddenly lose interest.
If the object of their desires is a love interest, this may sometimes hurt them in the process. In relationships they can come across as self absorbed. Their desire to get everything done quickly makes them extremely impatient at times.
In their career if something does not pan out for them immediately, they tend to give up quickly and lose interest. The thrill of the hunt can be more attractive to them than actually getting what they desire.
Celtic tree astrology Alder can come across as very domineering at times because they do not like to take orders from other people. They tend to say the first thing on their mind which gets them in trouble with many people.
Alder Tree Folklore: Celtic Animal Birth Sign
Their Druid Animal is the Fox which is symbolic for skill in diplomacy. Alders must learn the art of discretion or they will waste energy in fruitless disputes.
Ruling Deity Of The Alder Druid Zodiac
The Ruling god of the Alder tree people is Bran the Blessed.
Celtic Zodiac Compatibility
Alder tree pairs well with Hawthorne, Oak and Birch signs.
Corresponding Western Astrology Sign
In Western zodiac signs the Alder tree would correspond with the sign of Aries.
The Celts venerated the bear goddess, Artio – like a mother bear she was a fiercely protective influence. ... They invoked the bear spirit, at times even donning a bear skin, to imbue them with superhuman strength and fury. These were the Berserkers, their name being derived from a Norse word meaning 'bear shirt'.
MEANING: Celtic Bear (Arth): Although the bear was native to the Isles, it is now extinct there. Evidence of its being a totem animal is found in many Celtic designs; although it is not mentioned in the legends. The word "arth", which means "bear", is the root word for the name Arthur. The bear was noted for its strength and stamina. It can help you find balance and harmony in your life, and the strength to do what is necessary.
Bear is considered a protective spirit in the Otherworld realms of dreams and death -- the mythology that surrounds it being inextricably linked with its winter retreat into caves (or the Underworld) to hibernate. In spring, the female emerges from her winter hibernation in the womb of mother earth with bear cubs in tow. This led to the bear being associated with regeneration, rebirth and adopted as a solar symbol. Bears are known to protect their cubs with unrivaled ferocity, using all their strength and courage to protect their vulnerable offspring. The bear represents a symbol of the dreamtime, when we surrender to sleep and allow ourselves to be receptive and nurtured by the Great Mother.
It is said that the Vikings would wear bear skins in times of war to scare off their enemies. They would appear as powerful as these wild animals. Bear symbolize warrior spirit and courage to fight. The bear’s spirit would be invoked to help the warriors in the battle. As the bear is a fierce and powerful fighter, its name was also adopted by kings and warriors.
Healer and Teacher: Bear is associated with shamans in many traditions, symbolizing healing abilities and stepping into the role of the healer. If Bear is making Itself known in your life, it may be time to take care of your own needs for healing, whether it’s at the physical, emotional or spiritual level. In Siberia, the name used to designate women shaman is the same as the word “bear”. In Northern America, in the Inuit tradition, the bear spirit animal is also connected to the shamanic tradition and women.
For the Inuit people, Bear is a strong power or totem animal. Some Inuit hunters believe that accepting being eaten by a bear may allow them to reincarnate as a shaman and carry the spirit of this animal. The polar bear is considered as the “Wise Teacher” as it shows how to survive in harsh conditions.
Bear Totem: As Bear is a solitary animal, having Bear as a spirit animal can mean that you find balance and comfort in solitude. This power animal coming to you can be showing that you need to refocus, set up boundaries, and become l comfortable in your own skin. Take time for quiet, rest, self-inquiry or meditation. Call on the Bear Spirit to help you find your center and ground yourself in a strong foundation that will support you in more active and frantic times.
A Guide to the Meaning and Lore of the Celtic Fox
Celtic lore has foxes taking on the role of spirit guides, wise creatures who knew the trees like no other.
The Celts believed foxes were cunning creatures with a wily intelligence, known for their trickery and their wisdom. Foxes were seducers…able to captivate with both their voice and their good looks.
When a fox appeared, Celts thought the fox symbolized a need to think quickly and strategically, to employ cleverness and wisdom, and to adapt to situations.
The Celtic fox meaning also included a need to observe others and your surroundings, while remaining unnoticed yourself.
Foxes in Celtic Astrology
The fox is the Celtic Animal Sign for people born May 13 – June 9. The fox is also the animal symbol for the Celtic Hawthorn Tree Sign.
Celtic Fox Mythology
Celtic fox mythology has the fox taking on the role of a shapeshifter, changing from human to animal form as the need arises. Able to transform and remain unnoticed, the fox slips in and out of spots that might prove dangerous for others.
Celtic Fox Tattoo Meanings
Celtic fox tattoos aren't very common, even though they can be worn by both mean and women.
A fox tattoo symbolizes the traits and attributes of the fox – wisdom, cunning, slyness, trickery, and quick-thinking.
You can design a tattoo to represent the positive or negative fox meanings. For example, a tattoo of a fox wearing glasses can represent wisdom.
Because the Celts considered the fox to be a shapeshifter, fox tattoo can incorporate human elements, such as wearing clothing.
A Guide to the Celtic Meaning of Hawks
The Celts assigned great meaning to hawks. When a hawk appeared, it was a symbol that did not go unnoticed.
The Celts regarded the hawk as a strong omen because the hawk carried messages from the Otherworlds. It meant both to beware and to be aware. Be alert because something is about to happen. Keep an eye out for trouble and be prepared to act quickly.
If the Celts saw a hawk that was circling, it foretold both victory and death.
Because the Celts believed hawks brought messages from beyond, they also believed the hawk symbolized the need to look at one's life. Examine what is positive so that it can be allowed to continue, but also see what is holding one back so it can be let go.
Hawks in Celtic Astrology
The Hawk is the Celtic Animal Sign for people born March 18 – April 14. The Hawk is also the symbol for the Celtic Alder Tree Sign.
Celtic Hawk Mythology
The hawk was a symbol of the Celtic god Bran. There are many myths about Bran throughout Britain and Ireland. He is described as a giant, a warrior-king, and a deity. As “Bran the Blessed”, he was the King of the Isle of the Mighty (Britain) and ruled from his throne in Wales. In Irish myths, Bran was the son of Febal, and traveled to the “Otherworland Islands” where he had many adventures – a tale similar to the Greek story of Jason and the Golden Fleece.
Celtic Hawk Tattoo Meanings
A Celtic hawk tattoo is a reminder to observe everything carefully, down to the smallest detail. Act swiftly and cunningly.
A Celtic hawk tattoo can also act as a reminder to focus on the positive and what's working right in your life. If something is holding you back or bringing you down, let it go.

July’s birthstone is known as the king of precious stones, the gorgeous red ruby. The ruby’s name is derived from the Latin Rubeus meaning red and these beautiful gemstones have been treasured for centuries for their fluorescent vibrant color. A ruby is really a red form of corundum, with all other colors being sapphires.
The presence of the element chromium is actually what gives this stone the appearance of glowing from within, and at the same time, is also responsible for its scarcity, as it causes cracks and fissures in the stones. It’s for this reason that most rubies don’t grow large enough to make fine quality stones, and for those that do, their price can be higher than diamonds.

Rubies are also very tough. Only diamonds are harder than rubies. Because the stone is so strong, rubies are used in many industrial applications, including lasers and medical instruments. In fact, a ruby powered the first working laser in 1960.
The finest rubies have historically come from Burma and are known as pigeon’s blood rubies. Ancient Burmese warriors even implanted rubies in their skin to make them invincible in battle! Myanmar also began mining rubies in the 1990s after it was discovered that heat treating the stones could improve the color. Ruby deposits are also found in India, Thailand, Vietnam, East Africa, the Middle East, and also the United States.
Because of its rich, vibrant red color, it’s no surprise to learn that rubies are associated with the life-giving force of blood. In alignment with that association, rubies are thought to convey courage, increase awareness, bring the wearer success in battle as well as in finances and love and protect the wearer from evil. Perhaps this association is behind the powers of Dorothy’s ruby red slippers in the Wizard of Oz!
Rubies were particularly revered in Asia, and evidence suggests that the precious red stones were traded on China’s legendary Silk Road as early as 200 B.C. The Chinese even buried rubies in the foundations of buildings to bring good fortune to the inhabitants.
Historically, other stones were mistakenly believed to be rubies when they were actually red spinel, tourmaline, and garnet. Even the famous Black Ruby, which is one of England’s Crown Jewels, was eventually discovered to be spinel.
In 1919, one of the largest rubies in the world was found, named the Peace ruby, a huge rough 42 carat stone discovered in Burma just two days after the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, ending World War I. The stone was cut and polished in Bombay, India and eventually sold to an American buyer. The present location of the Peace ruby is a mystery.
Besides being the July birthstone, the ruby is a traditional 40th wedding anniversary gift, symbolizing love, passion, and loyalty. For a loved one lucky enough to be born in July, choose a gift of this beautiful Sterling Silver Irish Claddagh ring with a ruby stone set as the heart. Or consider this stunning Claddagh pendant with 4mm x 4mm simulated ruby stone set as the heart.
And even though the ruby has no traditional association with Ireland,
its vibrant color is referenced in the verses of the traditional farewell song,
The Parting Glass: Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips,
I own she has my heart in thrall.
The gift of a fine piece of Irish jewelry featuring the ruby will surely have the recipient’s heart in thrall and in debt to you forever!
~emma ruth allaire zerna concepcion charles reeves
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